During periods like now, when markets fluctuate multiple percentages per day, it is easy to lose the overview of the real direction that the market is moving.
Have a look at this S&P 500 chart that shows the month-end closing values for the last 14 years. See how the moving average for the last 6 months points down. See how the S&P 500 closing price for the last 2 months is almost on top of this moving average. Just looking at this chart, where do you think the S&P 500 will move the next few months? That is a subjective question of course. To remain objective, we analyze every month a new of mathematical long-term trend signals (like hedge fund managers do). Now all these S&P 500 long-term trend signals are pointing down. If you want to start investing now or put your savings back into the stock market, I suggest you be very careful. I keep my savings out of the stock market and would consider anything else more gambling than investing. If you think this update could be interestting for your friends, please share it via Facebook or Twitter.
S&P 500 Rallies and Still Loses in November 2011